Hello everyone!


Welcome to this page.


There are many ways to tell the amazing USANA story.  On this page you will find the thoughts and perspectives of six well-qualified people.  This first link is an official presentation on the USANA products and Opportunity by J. Leman and Jordan Kemper.  They address the questions: “Are you as physically healthy as you want to be” and “Are you as financially healthy as you want to be?”


The first 30 minutes is former NFL player J Leman who has a keen interest in nutrition and an excellent understanding of the value of the USANA products.  If you want to go directly to the financial part, move the position pointer to 31 minutes. 

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The second half of the video is by Jordan Kemper.  When I first met Jordan, he was in the group that averages $6.5K weekly.  He explained things in a way I’ve never heard before.  Be sure to watch carefully the first 18 minutes of Jordan’s part.  You’ll hear his explanation about creating an asset that will pay you $1,000 a week. It is a different and interesting perspective – recommended by Donald Trump, Bill Gates, & Robert Kyosaki. 


Click here for J & Jordan


Note: Often the people who need USANA the most have no money to invest.  Contact me to learn how you can receive a grant to get your home business with all of its benefits started.


HFsolution presentors


Here’s a quick way to learn the USANA story and introduce other people to USANA.  Watch the introductions to all four.  Share them based on what would appeal most.



Dr. Paige and Daniel Hunter


Dr. Hunter called this information that “drastically changed her life”.  Before USANA she was physically and financially unhealthy.  Dr. Hunter and her husband decided to purse USANA as business owners on a part time basis.  The best part of this business is receiving calls and messages from friends to say “thank you so much for introducing me to these products: they are changing my life.”


Follow this link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Aoc6CyAvWIA




Pete & Dora Zdanis


After twenty-five years in corporate America, Pete was stressed out and burned out.  He was trying to find a way to own his own life.  He tried a number of things, spent a lot of time and money looking– never very successful.  Fortunately a friend told him about USANA.  We are very glad that he did.  Finally he found what he was looking for all in one place: An excellent well managed company with products that offered excellent value to the consumer. The compensation plan allowed new people to earn money quickly as well as to whatever level they want over time.


What are you dreaming of for your family?  What do you want, need?  This was the solution for Pete and Dora Zdanis.


Follow this link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=njdhb1uqevQ




Patti Roney


This company literally changed her life and her family’s forever.  She had become a single parent of six home schooled children, lost a retail business and was thousands of dollars in debt.  She felt she had lost her way and dream of staying home and raising her children.  She was praying for a miracle.  She needed a power business but also need control over her time and finances.  And, she wanted excellent health for her family.  This company seemed to fit just perfectly.  So what about you?  What motivates and inspires you?  Are you a professional that is over stressed and under paid?  Are you a parent that would like to spend more time with your family?  Or, are you a young person that would like to follow an entrepreneurial path?   As you strategically plan the next five, ten, twenty years of your life, Patti believes that USANA can take the dreams and goals you have a turn them into reality as they have for her.  This is all about you and your success, having a team of people behind you that care about that.  She never had so many people that cared about her success.  


Follow this link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=54pN7BuwYLQ




Michael Callejas


Do you want more out of life.  When Michael first saw USANA, he was working 73 hours a week for a plumbing and electrical contractor.  He thought this was no way he wanted to spend the next forty years of his life. Someone showed him this information and he wants to show it to you now.


Follow this link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=la_NiwRsyhs



For more information about USANA, go to


Take the factory tour and review Dr. Wentz’s background and story.


Contact information

David Landry

